A Complete Bosconian's Guide for a New School Year

The summer season is almost over, and the time has come again to prepare ourselves for the upcoming school year. The previous school years have a lot of things to teach us as students. Now is the time for us once again to start fresh and be a better version of ourselves. Let me give you 5 simple tips to better prepare yourself for the coming school year. 1. Organize your things First and foremost, it is our duty as Bosconians to be the ones accountable for our own things. Although we have our parents to prepare for our stuff, it is not their duty but ours. We should be the ones viewing our checklist of school materials whether we have completed it or not. It is but time that we take some responsibility for ourselves. 2. Mentally prepare yourself Aside from preparing ourselves physically, you have to set your mind that the summer season is almost over. We must avoid a gloomy face because summer is ending. Rather, we must put on a smiling countenance and be optimistic for ...