You Know You're in Don Bosco When...

A Bosconian will always think of Don Bosco (I am referring to the school, Parish, or Youth Center) as a home. It is our one and true home as a Bosconian. And whether you are a Bosconian from a certain Don Bosco setting and you chanced to visit a different one, you cannot but still feel a sense of kinship. This is an experience of mine in my trips to different Don Bosco settings. I began to wonder why there is always a sense of affinity as I go from one Don Bosco setting to the other. After much careful musings, I think I was able to realize why. Different Don Bosco settings share similar characteristics and it is so effective in forming young people to be good Christians and honest citizens. So my dear friends, you know you're in Don Bosco when… 1. There is a big and open space The reason behind the big and open space is for Bosconians to be able to run, jump, shout, and make noise. Bosconians need a big space so that they can enjoy themselves and enjoy the company o...