Broken People, Fragile Individuals
Once again, i find myself in front of my laptop, pouring out to this electronic device the contents of my mind, heart and soul. as i have been thinking last night night, i do not know why, but out of the blue, i began to reflect on my self as a person as i ride the vehicle that will transport me towards my home. as the wind brushes my face, bringing with it the polluted air of the metro, my mind began to drift towards the thought regarding my actions, attitudes, and demeanor. i have come to a conclusion that i am broken. yes, i am broken. i am a ruined individual. perhaps, i can attribute this brokenness to my childhood (thus it can be concluded that i believe in Freudian principles). but do not get me wrong, i am not abused or anything. it is just that, i consider myself to be broken and ruined because of my constant tendency to sin. no matter how hard i try, i still find myself sinning and doing the most ignominious deeds. honestly, this is very frustrating because all i ever ...