Are you a Rule Slave?

The Kesy Gang, Vanguards and Guardians of the Rules! As I make my students stand straight when lining up, pray loud and clear, and have a proper haircut, I sometimes ask myself as to why am I so keen on enforcing these rules? As we all the more enforce rules to students, some tend to be more rebellious and resistant, and it gets so frustrating on the part of the teacher. Pondering upon all of these, I remembered a wise old college professor of mine telling us that we must not follow the rules blindly, but rather, we should know the spirit behind these rules because this will free us from being slaves of the rules. So, to the Kesy Gang, remember this: You are being made to pray loud and clear during common prayers so that you'll learn to value praising and worshipping God together with his church. You are being made to stand straight during assemblies and when lining up so that you will learn to focus more to whoever is speaking in front. Proper haircut is being enforc...