Breaking Dawn: More than Just Your Average Teenage Love Story!

Image Source: Google Image I remember back in college when I was enrolled in a Philosophy class, we were asked to write an essay about the movie Breaking Dawn. The purpose of this task is for us to identify the social dimensions of the story. Kindly read the essay I wrote as shown below. At the surface level, Breaking Dawn part 1 seems like an ordinary teenage love story. The movie has been subjected a lot of times to ridicule and mockery because of the obsession of many people to cheesy romances. Teenage girls and some teenage boys have patronized this movie for they have identified themselves with the characters’ circumstances and situations as creatively written by Stephenie Meyer. Let’s face it, when it comes to love stories, teenagers as well as young adults, and even single adults will find themselves drawn to it. However, after attending this Philosophy class, I have realized that the movie can be seen in a deeper and analytical way. It is not just your average teenage ...