Beowulf Yo Mama!

In my Gr. 9 English, I made my students write a song which retells the story of Beowulf. Kindly watch the video below and see the beautiful rendition of one of the groups in my class. Beowulf Yo Mama! Beowulf is a great man Hall of Heorot is like heaven But a monster came there He killed all people: it's unfair But one day Beowulf defeated Grendel He put his hand in a cell Then there is another monster It is Grendel's mother (yeah, yeah, c'mon) Chorus: Monster killin' people dyin' People hurt and hear them cryin' Can you call Beowulf to reach And would you let Grendel to be teach Beowulf, Beowulf, Beowulf help us Send some guidance from other guys Then Beowulf killed by the dragon's fire Where is the arm (repeat) Meet the stars: L-R: Andre A., Lauren C., Justine P., & Dominic S.